Rapid Rewind – Edition 3
It’s time for a Rapid Rewind of the past two weeks at Rapid Reviews. The site continues to grow, and as a result, some more talented writers have joined the team. I’d like to say thank you and welcome to Kieran, Josh, Jennifer and James.
Stat attack

Rapid Reviews has around 1,180 followers on Twitter, almost 2000 unique visitors and we’re almost at 100 posts. I’m really proud of this considering we have only been live since the beginning of August. I have lots of games arriving soon, as well as some exciting products.
Gaming Talk Podcast

In other extremely exciting news, Lachlan, Kieran and I, have started our very own Podcast. You can find our Podcast on iTunes, https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/gaming-talk-podcast/id1441501537. We are very new to Podcasting, and are still finding our feet. However, we’ve had some good feedback and we’re all excited to see where the Podcst goes.
Once again, a HUGE thank you to everyone who follows and supports Rapid Reviews UK. It wouldn’t be possible without you! Enjoy the Rapid Rewind.