Barry the Bunny Review
Fast Facts
Barry the Bunny
Developer: Lightup
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Genre(s): Platform, Puzzle, Arcade
Platform: Nintendo Switch (Also available on PS4, PS5 and Xbox)
Age Rating: PEGI 3
Release Date: 13/08/2021
Price: £4.99
A code was provided for review purposes
Everyone Meet Barry!
Barry the Bunny is a charming little 2D platformer game. It focuses on the life of a little rabbit saving the world, building one bridge at a time. As I noticed Ratalaika Games published this, a keen favourite here at Rapid Reviews, I dove into playing this charming pixelated game. Here’s what Rapid Reviews thought below.

Ratalaika’s Strong Point
Me, personally, I have experienced many a Ratalaika game. In fact, they produced the first puzzle game I actually enjoyed reviewing when I first started at Rapid Reviews, One Escape. They are known for producing low-cost indie games, overwhelmed with relaxing gameplay and fun. They give small indie developers a chance to shoot their shot at stardom and become a name for themselves in the gaming community. So it’s fair to say I had high hopes for Barry The Bunny as it was supported by a fantastic publisher.
When it comes to producing platform games, I have added respect for developers and publishers, because it is hard to make them stand out in the ever-growing library. Barry the Bunny is a stand-out style. Barry’s aim is to reconstruct bridges along the levels, which have been crumbled by the big bullies of the world, but despite an overarching negative storyline, its bright background, cute characters and soppy soundtrack, make this game a wholesome experience.

Barry’s Strategy
On behalf of the bunnies, it is Barry’s mission to rebuild the bridges. Doing so involves collecting wood along the way, while defeating enemies, and collecting hammers and carrots. It’s fair to say there is a lot going on. While you manoeuvre through the levels, the difficulty increases, which turns little cute Barry into a bomb-avoiding, carpentry mastermind. It comes down to stepping on the right ladder, or box at the right time. All these little tasks come together to help rebuild the bridges.
But even with all the above extras, this game does not wander far from your average platform game. The floor might move, the enemies shoot things, and of course, items must be collected. It’s a simple game and if that is what you want, then this is probably the game for you. There are 96 wonderful levels, but this game thoroughly covers the attributes of most platformers. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does make it like any other platformer, just with the star of the show being good old Barry.

Bambino Friendly Experience
Looking at the game overall, it’s a lovely experience, but as mentioned above, it is quite bog standard. I think what makes this game stand out, compared to others, is the attributes used to dedicate this game to its target audience. I am completely convinced this game is definitely aimed at the younger generation to divulge in. My inner child is screaming to play more of this.
The complexion is stunning. Even the darker levels are filled with rich shades of purples and reds. Each level covered in its unique colour scheme reminds me of something out of Alice in Wonderland, with bright colours pleasing to the eye. This is a child’s very own playground all in the palm of their hand.

Final Thoughts
A menagerie of wildlife welcomes you in this utterly charming platform game. The colour scheme and soft soundscapes create an idyllic environment. I appreciate this game for the bright world it has created, but as a game to escape with in itself, it wouldn’t be my first choice, or perhaps even my second. It has nice personality but compared to other platformers this game is not a standalone character.

Rapid Reviews Rating

3 out of 5
You can purchase Barry the Bunny on the Nintendo store, here.

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