Sniper Elite 4 Review
Fast Facts
Now and then I love a good stealth game and that is what I have today. Sniper Elite 4 combines stealth gameplay with being a sniper very well, and I believe that this is also a wonderful port. So how does this game manage that? Let’s find out.
Switch Presentation
The presentation for Sniper Elite 4 on the Switch is fantastic, I was surprised by how good it looks. In all honesty, the only bad-looking thing has to be the faces of the characters, other than that everything hits home. My experience wasn’t completely bug-free and while it was very good in the long run, I encountered an annoying bug that blocked me from saving. This was a hindrance during the mission but thankfully I pulled through, beat that mission and saving returned to normal.

The sound of Sniper Elite 4 is great. Sound effects are great with the crunchy and brutal kills, and it is very fantastic to listen to. However, I found the music to be dull so I ended up listening to podcasts. I did however turn up the volume to listen to the voice acting which I found to be good.
Story of Sniper Elite
Now to turn our focus on the story of Sniper Elite and in truth, it was the weakest part of the game for me. Sniper Elite puts us in the middle of WW so we are killing Nazis and trying to ruin their plans. While playing as Red Fox, I performed missions for Mother Hen and others in order to overturn the war. Unfortunately, the setting and characters didn’t overly impress me.

Sniping on the go
Sniper Elite 4’s gameplay is the star of the show. You’re a Sniper so it is up to you to complete missions and kill Nazis. While the missions can be samey, the fun lies in how you approach the level. You aren’t fit for melee battle so as a sniper you must look for windows of opportunity to snipe Nazis and complete the objectives.
Within the gameplay, you have multiple options to deal with your foes and sometimes the levels provide the opportunity to make loud noises that hide the sounds of your Sniper fire. Or you can stealthily sneak up behind enemies and melee kill them. Or do you choose to use explosives to lure enemies away from those objectives and avoid them? Choices are there for you to choose from.

The creativity of how you approach each level is very exciting and rewarding. Plus if you explore the levels and pickpocket fallen Nazi’s you can acquire notes, safe codes and plans. As for the levels themselves, they can be expansive and very explorative. I was surprised at how much openness there was though I do think the tutorial level is a tad too big. Overall, the gameplay for Sniper Elite 4 is great.
Sniper Elite 4 is a great game with fantastic gameplay and wonderful presentation. Rebellion Developments deserves a medal for everything they have done to get this title to run great on Switch. As for the unimpressive story and music, they didn’t temper my enjoyment of the game. Unfortunately, with the quietness of online play, I was unable to play and review this aspect. Overall, Sniper Elite 4 is great and if you’re into stealth games I highly recommend it.
Rapid Reviews Rating

You can buy Sniper Elite 4 for Switch here

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